Membership is open to anyone regardless if they own a historic military vehicle. Anyone with a love of history and these vehicles and who is supportive of the organization is welcome. Meetings are typically held monthly in each of the respective chapter's are-as. Multiple events are also held throughout the year including parades, commemorative events, veteran benefits, picnics, trail rides and more.
Dues are $20 annually.
Membership Application 2023
Typically, members will join the Chapter that is closest to them although you will still be considered a member of the state-wide NY-Penn Military Vehicle Collector Club. Chapters include A Company:
covering the Southern Tier and Greater Binghamton Area Hudson-Mohawk Chapter:
covering the Hudson and Mohawk River Valleys and Greater Al-bany Capital District
Easy Company:
Covers Greater Syracuse area and Central NY
Membership Application 2023
Membership is open to anyone regardless if they own a historic military vehicle. Anyone with a love of history and these vehicles and who is supportive of the organization is welcome. Meetings are typically held monthly in each of the respective chapter's are-as. Multiple events are also held throughout the year including parades, commemorative events, veteran benefits, picnics, trail rides and more.
Dues are $20 annually.
Membership Application 2023
Typically, members will join the Chapter that is closest to them although you will still be considered a member of the state-wide NY-Penn Military Vehicle Collector Club. Chapters include A Company:
covering the Southern Tier and Greater Binghamton Area Hudson-Mohawk Chapter:
covering the Hudson and Mohawk River Valleys and Greater Al-bany Capital District
Easy Company:
Covers Greater Syracuse area and Central NY
Membership Application 2023
While not required, members are encouraged to join the MVPA. The Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA) was established in 1976. The non-profit MVPA is dedicated to providing an international organization for military vehicle enthusiasts, historians, preservationists and collectors interested in the acquisition, restoration, preservation, safe operation and public education of historic military transport. For more information, go to: |